Motorcycle Diagnostics
Motorcycle Diagnostic tools including the OBDStar iScan Ducati, OBDStar MS70 and MS80 Professional motorcycle diagnostic tool.
Harley Davidson 4 Pin OBD Diagnostic Cable Adapter
4 Pin Diagnostic Cable Adapter to OBD2 for Harley Davidson Bikes
Harley Davidson 6 Pin OBD Diagnostic Cable Adapter
6 Pin Diagnostic Cable Adapter to OBD2 for Later Harley Davidson Bikes
KTM 6 Pin to OBD2 Adapter Cable CAN and K line Wired
6 pin KTM Adapter Cable suitable for both CAN and older K Line models.
OBD2 EOBD Extension cable, Length 30 cm
This OBD2 extension cable will allow easy access to the OBD plug that is recessed in some BMW models.
OBDProg Moto 100 US, American Motorcycle Diagnostic System.
OBDProg Moto 100 US Diagnostic System for HARLEY DAVIDSON, INDIAN, BRP, POLARIS, and VICTORY.Also Covers Honda and Yamaha bikes too!
TuneECU Compatible Bluetooth OBD2 Adapter, Unicarscan UCSI-2100
UniCarScan UCSi-2000 Quality Bluetooth OBD adapter 100% compatibility with the TuneECU motorcycle App, Ships updated to 2.50 Firmware
Automotive Smoke Machine, Leak Detector Car, Motorcycle. Autool SDT203
Tests Intake, Exhaust, Cooling system, Evap system test etc. Built in Pump, No external air supply needed
6 in 1 Motorcycle Hex Allen Axle Spindle Socket Adapter, Wheel Removal Tool Carbon Steel.
Wrench sizes: 12mm/14mm/17mm/19mm/22mm/24mm.
Ditex RelaySim Pro, 12V/24V Relay Bypass Test Kit
RelaySIM Pro Eliminate relay control circuits and provides manual control of the relay circuit.
Hard Storage case for OBDStar iScan Diagnostic Tools
Keep your iscan or FXTUL motorcycle tool safe and secure with our Hard Case. Ideal for taking with you on tours!